Thursday, September 29, 2011
Spring in September
Friday, September 9, 2011
Life on the Hoek

Mission to Chapman's Peak with Yanis and David

And now, another month has come and gone and my experiences in Africa continue to change the way I perceive nearly every facet of life. It’s funny though, the changes seem subtle enough to pass without notice until someone from home asks me how I’m doing. Then I begin to reflect on what I’ve seen, what I’ve done, who I’ve met and I see the differences between who I was when I came here, and the person I’ve become since then. Waves rush over me, waves of gratitude, waves of inspiration, of anger, or confusion - so many mixed emotions it’s hard to keep track. And I’m drowning. But not in the way that might frighten you or overwhelm you. I’m just completely immersed. I'm trying to override all of my old schemas and assumptions, stereotypes and the general hard wiring of my mind. I really understand now what people mean when they tell you that traveling like this is a life changing experience. It is. It changes your life and your brain and the way you think about things.
I find myself heavily critiquing the States more than I have ever even thought to in the past. Not because I don’t love my country but because I do. Because I know we can do better than what we’ve been doing in the past and obviously how we’re currently doing. My eyes have been opened up to the point of my eyelids straight ripping off. Other countries do things better than us. But we have heart and I believe we have a true passion for providing a truly top-notch life experience for our citizens so we really need to listen up, take notes and be unafraid of change. Welcome it. We need to become more globalized and stop isolating ourselves. Seriously teach other languages from the earliest stages of development and help our youngest generations and those on the way that the other countries in the world are just as important as us. We are not an island, and I mean that metaphorically. Do you know how many Europeans I have met that not only know the ins and outs of their own governments and cultures but those of the countries around them and, of course, ours? It’s impressive, and it goes to show that as a huge force in this world, we need to look outside our borders and learn about the countries we’re sharing the world with. How much do you know about France? We briefly hear about them in the news but always as the punch line of jokes... but how much do you really know about how their country works? My challenge to you is to learn about other countries. Start with France. And once you realize how much we could learn from their government alone, keep reading. Read about Norway and Holland and Belgium and all of these other places that are doing things better than us. Well, first... locate them on a map. Then read.
Live globally,