I was miserably sick. Run down from endless nights of equal parts filming, editing, writing, having existential melt downs and attempting to cherish every last breath in my collegiate lungs. But, all of the stress, exhaustion, and questions about my future vanished when the wheels hit the ground in San Jose and I found David, a friendly German face, waiting for me at the curb. I collapsed in my bed that night, drunk on warm air and good company.
The next day, we ventured into the maze of green that stood between us and Volcán Arenal. We met a handful of David's closest friends from his college days in Hawaii and immediately headed to a hot spring that epitomized my imaginations version of Costa Rica. Leaves of every shape shaded us from the sun as we wandered around exploring this little slice of Heaven we had managed to find off the side of the road. We swam, skipped rocks and investigated lizards that clamored mysteriously over both water and rocks.

It eventually came time to leave our jungle paradise and venture off to find the Monteverde Cloud Forest. But first, because the travel gods love us, we were able to witness clear skies around Volcán Arenal, a rare and dare I say, trippy sight. It forced me to recognize the magnitude of what stood before us. I mean, REAL VOLCANIC SMOKE was replacing the usual clouds that kissed the mouth of Arenal. We were remarkably close to something that spews killer lava. Just days before that I was drinking beer in Golden Gate Park! With my friends wearing silly costumes! And now I was watching volcanic smoke snake into the sky like I had only seen at the sacred Volcán Onion de Benihanas. Mind blown.

After a potholed drive in an ill-eqipped rental we named Leslie, we arrived in Monteverde and I was promptly overcome by the germs in my body. What truly, deeply sucks about this is that cloud forests are SO COOL and I missed it! They are rain forests that exist high and alone in the mountains, so the species that live there have evolved differently from other areas. Plus, there is a steady cloud that hangs low in the trees (go figure) that gives the whole place a very dreamy vibe. The day or two we spent there is a haze of coughing and wearing yoga shorts in the rain (My bag was left in San Francisco...So chill). My only real take away is our night hike where we lured enormous spiders from their homes in the side of the path by “tickling the holes” in which they slept. Needless to say, I'll be back.

Eventually, we drove to Jaco and physically pushed Leslie over the speed bump at the entrance of Los Sueños Ocean & Golf Resort. Out of place? Oh God, yes. But, truthfully, I’d ride in a grocery cart full of street trash if it got me here. This was where we joined the wedding party (and my backpack) and filled the next week with all the appropriate celebrations for two beautiful people in love.

It was finally time to hop into a shuttle and wind our way up a mountain to their wedding hideaway. The first stop was a jaw dropping view of the hills around us. Ephemeral clouds floated into the crevices of the landscape, rising and falling amongst the surrounding forests like a watercolored tide. With every changing minute it somehow became more beautiful! At certain points, we could see the ocean sparkling as the sun hung in it's best hour. The world we stood in felt like a painting, and we were merely blurry, insignificant figures in the foreground of the masterpiece. Of course, the secretly strong cocktails and heavenly strumming of acoustic guitars didn’t hurt.
After a while of gawking at what lay before us, we walked to a canopy positioned strategically at the edge of yet another breathtaking outlook. Eric, the groom and David’s good friend from college, nervously awaited his bride. A truly touching ceremony followed, and as I write this now, I hope that the year they’ve shared together since has been no less magical than that string of moments.
Of course, we danced the night away in a blur of whiskey, tear inducing speeches and sweat soaked dress shirts. Silliness ensued into the earliest hours of the morning, and we came home and promptly fell into dreams that tried their best, but failed to compare.
The next few days were full of more hiking, celebrating and even a trip to see a man about some frogs. But soon, our friends made the dreaded trip back to real life, and David and I were left with nothing but our backpacks and a faint idea of where we were headed next.
1. Cloud castles over Mexico
2. Getting some sun on my San Francisco skin
3. Boys throwing rocks
4. Our group with Arenal
5. And then we came out of the hot springs and could see the whole thing!
6. Healthy humans Jen and Brandon enjoying the Monteverde
7. Some cool cloud forest plants
8. Our friend Ryan was an expert hole tickler.
9. Jen and one of many push starts for Leslie
10. This is how the boys celebrated
11. Dangerous Dave at it again
12. We cleaned up for the rehearsal dinner
13. Sippin on some coconuts
14. Golf cart relays
15. Discovery Horse Tours home base
16. Welcome to the jungle
17. Mud friends
18. Mud family
19. It was so romantic, they couldn't help themselves
20. Dreamy, right?
21. Me and my handsome date
22. Eric, the groom, waiting for his DESTINY!
23. Heaven? Is that you?
24. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bookland, everyone!
25. Ah yes, that is you
26. Boys playing with their food
27. Beautiful lanterns that almost set the forest on fire
28. But then, they didn't
29. Utter chaos
30. Richard, king of the dancefloor
31. Hiking the wedding hangover away
32. Funguys
33. Nature is cool, they like it.
34. This is me taking a break from swimming
35. A cool red frog!
36. David waiting for our boat to Montezuma
37. Beach babe